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The Borgen Project has taken on the critical issue of human trafficking in India

The Borgen Project has taken on the critical issue of human trafficking in India, recognizing the challenges faced by those who fall victim to this trade. Traffickers employ cunning tactics, luring, kidnapping, and abducting vulnerable individuals, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, for the purpose of exploitation.

India has witnessed a significant increase in human trafficking cases, with a rise of 27.7% reported. In 2021 alone, there were 2,189 documented cases, compared to 1,714 cases the previous year. Furthermore, in 2019, authorities rescued 2,080 victims of sexual exploitation, predominantly women and girls, who were forced into prostitution. These statistics highlight the urgency of the situation and the dire need for collective action to combat this appalling crime.

In September 2022, Dr. Surinder Pal Singh Oberoi, a philanthropist based in Dubai, shed light on a deplorable situation. It involved over 400 Indian women, including 70 from Punjab, who found themselves trapped in the UAE and Oman.

It is worth noting that obtaining a visa for the UAE is relatively easier than acquiring one for visiting Oman. Consequently, these women initially traveled to the UAE and then made their way to Muscat by road. Regrettably, there are countless others whose stories remain untold, as they prefer to remain hidden.

It is crucial that we approach this issue with empathy and compassion, acknowledging the immense suffering experienced by those caught in the web of human trafficking. By raising awareness, supporting organizations like The Borgen Project, and working collectively, we can strive to dismantle the networks of exploitation and provide hope for a better, safer future for all.

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