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Sex trafficking to Dubai from Bangladeshi dance clubs

Sex trafficking to Dubai from Bangladeshi dance clubs. In 2020, dancer and choreographer Ivan Shahriar Sohag was apprehended by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Bangladesh Police. He was acused of his involvement with a trafficking network that transported women to Dubai.

The arrest was conducted by the Dhaka Metro North division of CID. It was confirmed by Additional Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Sheikh Md. Rezaul Haider to The Business Standard.

The victims, aged between 18 and 20, were promised lucrative employment and high wages. Unfortunately, upon arriving in Dubai, they discovered that the promised jobs were a front for sex slavery. This left them trapped with no means of escape.

As per the confessions given, one of the accused individuals, Md. Yasin, claimed responsibility for sending over 100 girls to Dubai.

Sex trafficking to Dubai from Bangladeshi dance clubs

Today, it is more critical than ever to confront the escalating issue of human trafficking in the UAE. We should work towards halting the repetition of such incidents and ensuring the protection of all vulnerable women and girls.

The Business Standard quoted Syed Jannat Ara, Special Superintendent of CID (Organized Crime), as saying, “We are verifying whether the showbiz celebrities mentioned in the confessions are really involved in this.”

One of the defendants, Md. Yasin, said in the confessional admissions that he transferred more than 100 ladies to Dubai on his own.

Yasin said that after attempting to follow up on the females he had sent to Dubai, he learned about sex trafficking. This is according to court sources who quoted Yasin, all the females told him they had been compelled to work in Dubai’s sex trade and they had never received their monthly pay.

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