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Forced Migration and Vulnerability

Forced Migration and Vulnerability

Forced Migration and Vulnerability. The world grapples with the consequences of a changing climate. As a result, millions of impoverished individuals face escalating challenges ranging from extreme weather events to health crises, food and water insecurity, and the loss of livelihoods. Among these consequences lies a sinister threat: an increase in human trafficking. In particular,…

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The moralization of sex trafficking: a critical perspective

The moralization of sex trafficking: a critical perspective

The moralization of sex trafficking: a critical perspective. Each year, an unknown number of individuals enter the international migration process only to be tricked, sold, coerced, or otherwise procured into situations of exploitation from which they cannot escape. Many are physically detained. Others are intimidated in less direct but no less effective ways, including through…

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Unveiling Human Trafficking

Unveiling Human Trafficking

Unveiling Human Trafficking: The Hidden Struggle in the UAE. Beneath the opulent image of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) lies a distressing reality: a thriving network of human trafficking and exploitation. While the world admires the UAE's luxury, non-white women from countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines suffer in silence under…

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Sex Trafficking Survivors: Reclaiming Power and Dignity Beyond Shame

Sex Trafficking Survivors: Reclaiming Power and Dignity Beyond Shame

Sex Trafficking Survivors: Reclaiming Power and Dignity Beyond Shame. Sex trafficking is a crime defined by most as horrific that victimizes thousands of individuals around the world every year. It inflicts unimaginable and long-lasting suffering on its victims, being characterized by coercion, violence, and exploitation, leaving scars that are both physical and emotional. However, it's…

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Human Trafficking: The Alarming Case of India’s Missing Girls and Women

Human Trafficking: The Alarming Case of India’s Missing Girls and Women

Human Trafficking: The Alarming Case of India’s Missing Girls and Women. On July 30th, India, in harmony with the global community, observed World Day Against Trafficking in Persons for the year 2023, themed 'Reach Every Victim of Trafficking, Leave No One Behind.' Paradoxically, just four days prior, the government informed Parliament that, as per data…

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Silent Suffering

Silent Suffering

Silent Suffering: Human Trafficking Testimonies in the UAE. Beneath the UAE's glittering facade lies a harrowing reality: human trafficking thrives in the shadows of prosperity. Survivors' voices illuminate a stark truth: the authorities' inaction and society's apathy perpetuate this crisis. Their stories demand urgent change to end the suffering and exploitation these women endure. Dreams…

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Lured into Slavery

Lured into Slavery

Lured into Slavery are stories of Kashmiri women falling prey to modern-day slavery in the United Arab Emirates have come to light over the years. It is shedding a distressing spotlight on the grim reality of human trafficking and sex trafficking. These women venture to Dubai in search of stability and fair employment. They are…

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Taken Hostage in the UAE

Taken Hostage in the UAE

Taken Hostage in the UAE. Having nearly 90 percent of its populace comprised of non-natives, the United Arab Emirates leads in accommodating substantial immigrant populations. This fact might be unexpected for many given that the country's global portrayal has primarily spotlighted the towering skyscrapers and opulent hotels in Dubai. Yet concealed from widespread attention are…

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Dubai new Human Trafficking destination, says NAPTIP

Dubai new Human Trafficking destination, says NAPTIP

Dubai new Human Trafficking destination, says NAPTIP. The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) has revealed that Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), has emerged as the preferred destination for individuals subjected to human trafficking. Mr. Nduka Nwanwenne, the Zonal Commander of NAPTIP's Benin Zonal Command, shared this information during a three-day…

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The Impact of UAE's Economic Powerhouse Status on the Response to Sexual Trafficking

The Impact of UAE’s Economic Powerhouse Status on the Response to Sexual Trafficking

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), with its strategic location between Europe and Asia, its oil reserves, and progressive policies, has emerged as a significant economic hub attracting massive foreign investment and contributing to intricate global financial networks. The country has massively invested in infrastructure, tourism, and technology, to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence…

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SDGs, climate justice vital for stopping human trafficking: UN expert says

SDGs, climate justice vital for stopping human trafficking: UN expert says

SDGs, climate justice vital for stopping human trafficking: UN expert says. The heightened risks of trafficking in the context of climate change are rooted in existing and persistent inequalities, in poverty, in racism, and in discrimination. These heightened risks and vulnerability to exploitation are not inevitable or fixed, nor are they inherent in the human…

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