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Undercover journalist sold into slavery – Part 1

Undercover journalist sold into slavery – Part 1. In 2020, an undercover journalist went on a journey into the realm of human trafficking. She ultimately found herself trapped in slavery for an entire month. The promise of good jobs and better wages lures many women into investing in traveling to the Middle East to work. Some get lucky and return with money. But many Ugandans pay for job placements in the Middle East and end up being trafficked as slaves and sex workers.

Narrating her harrowing ordeal, she reflects on her prior interactions with labor exporting companies. Also her awareness of the perils faced by Ugandans traveling abroad for menial jobs. However, the reality of modern-day slave trade exceeded her worst expectations. What struck her most was the cruel irony that young girls were trafficked at their own expense.

Undercover journalist sold into slavery – Part 1

These unsuspecting victims paid for legitimate employment opportunities, only to discover upon arrival that such jobs did not exist. Stranded and powerless, they were forced into lives of servitude and sexual exploitation. All this until they could either buy their freedom or manage to escape.

The sense of disappointment in such circumstances was easy to fathom. Yet the sheer terror of being enslaved in an unfamiliar home with no means of escape and uncertain of survival was beyond imagination. The reporter’s personal account began on January 7, 2020. Then she stumbled upon a Facebook comment made by an individual using the alias “Monica the Proud Mukiga.”

She engaged in prolonged communication with this person. As a result, she devised a plan to feign interest in overseas employment, allowing herself to be trafficked in order to gather firsthand information for the sake of their readers. But little did she know the extent to which this experience would stretch her nerves. It pushed her to the brink of losing her life.

Read Part 1 here:

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