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Nigeria: Sisters of Charity Championing Victims of Human Trafficking

Nigeria: Sisters of Charity Championing Victims of Human Trafficking. In Nigeria, the Sisters of Charity are at the forefront of combating human trafficking, providing vital refuge and support for victims. Sr. Justina Suekime Nelson plays a pivotal role as the Anti-trafficking Coordinator for the Nigerian Region and within the Intra-Congregational anti-trafficking Team.

Nigeria: Sisters of Charity Championing Victims of Human Trafficking

Since joining the Religious Sisters of Charity in 1985 and making her first profession in 1988, Sr. Justina has dedicated herself to pastoral work, including parish activities, catechism teaching, and home visitations—a core aspect of their religious mission. Her involvement in international anti-trafficking efforts further exposed her to the harrowing realities faced by trafficking victims globally.

“Once, during an anti-trafficking program in Australia, I saw a photo of a Nigerian girl trafficked there,” Sr. Justina recalled. “It struck me deeply—the journey she must have endured and the immense cost involved. This motivated me to take action for her and countless others like her.”

Sr. Justina’s commitment extends to legal advocacy

Sr. Justina’s commitment extends to legal advocacy, where she has bravely appeared in court to defend victims of abuse. Recalling poignant cases, she shared the story of Ethla, a young orphaned girl rescued from domestic servitude. Sr. Justina’s testimony helped secure justice for Ethla, ensuring her abuser faced legal consequences.

Despite facing threats and intimidation, Sr. Justina persisted, driven by her passion for justice and compassion for the oppressed. Her efforts have not only liberated victims but also raised awareness and preventive measures against human trafficking across Nigeria.

The Sisters of Charity continue to educate communities about the dangers of trafficking, guided by Sr. Justina’s unwavering commitment to ensuring justice and freedom for all victims. Her inspiring leadership brings hope to victims in Nigeria.

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