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International Cooperation Strengthened to Combat Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking
International Cooperation Strengthened to Combat Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking. In March, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser  from Germany returned from a trip to Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia, where she finalized agreements aimed at enhancing operational police cooperation to combat organized crime and drug trafficking. Recognizing the urgent need for collaborative…
Exposing the Epidemic of Human Trafficking from East Africa to the Middle East
Exposing the Epidemic of Human Trafficking from East Africa to the Middle East. In a chilling revelation, a former human trafficker confessed to Africa Faith and Justice Network on December 2, 2021, about the horrors he facilitated. His Middle Eastern partners shared a video depicting four men, aided by two dogs, brutally gang-raping a young…
The Global Hub for Sex Trafficking
The Global Hub for Sex Trafficking. Revelations in the past few have shed light on Dubai, exposing it as a global hub for sex trafficking. While the world may have been unaware of the extent of this issue, the reality is grim, with countless victims ensnared in forced prostitution and sexual enslavement. Most commonly, human…
Not a Single Safe Place – Ukrainian Women After 2 years of war
Not a Single Safe Place – Ukrainian Women After 2 years of war. As the world's attention shifts, the pain of Ukrainian refugees, particularly women, remains a largely forgotten tragedy amidst the ongoing conflict. A study back in 2022 conducted by the University of Birmingham under the SEREDA Project tried to shed light on…
Dynamics of Migrant Smuggling in Southeast Asia
Dynamics of Migrant Smuggling in Southeast Asia. Recent research conducted by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) sheds light on the landscape of migrant smuggling in Southeast Asia, revealing the factors driving this type of trade. Insights and Implications The study highlights how conflict, corruption, and limited options for regular travel contribute to…
The Need for Global Cooperation to Combat Human Trafficking
The Need for Global Cooperation to Combat Human Trafficking. Human trafficking remains a pervasive global issue, with victims often subjected to exploitation and abuse in various regions, including the Middle East, Asia and Africa. While efforts to address trafficking have gained momentum at some point a few years back, the last few years have…
A Human Trafficking Crisis in the US
A Human Trafficking Crisis in the US. Amidst the turmoil of the US border crisis, one of the gravest and often overlooked consequences is the rampant human and child trafficking plaguing the nation, in addition to the fentanyl crisis.  As waves of migrants seek refuge and opportunity, criminal networks exploit their vulnerabilities, turning their dreams…
Cybercrime, Money Laundering, and Human Trafficking
Cybercrime, Money Laundering, and Human Trafficking. In recent years, the interconnection of cybercrime, money laundering, and human trafficking has become increasingly apparent, with the UAE serving as a focal point for these illicit activities. An article in Le Monde sheds light on the intricate web of criminal operations thriving in Dubai's business district, where individuals…
A Hidden Crisis: Unacknowledged Human and Sex Trafficking in the UAE
A Hidden Crisis: Unacknowledged Human and Sex Trafficking in the UAE. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), beneath the facade of luxury and progress, hides a grim reality: the persistent issue of human and sex trafficking. Despite independent observers shedding light on this harrowing problem, the UAE authorities seem to turn a blind eye, perpetuating a…
The Runaway Princesses
The Runaway Princesses. In a shocking exposé by New Yorker staff writer Heidi Blake, the celebrated modernizer and ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, faces scrutiny for alleged mistreatment within his own family. Despite championing gender equality and vowing to eliminate obstacles faced by women, revelations from former employees shed light on…