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How torture, deception and inaction underpin UAE’s thriving sex trafficking industry

How torture, deception, and inaction underpin the UAE’s thriving sex trafficking industry. In a recent Reuters report, the issue of human trafficking for sex work in the UAE is brought to light. It is shedding much-needed attention on the immense challenges faced by the victims in their pursuit of justice.

The report is titled “How torture, deception, and inaction underpin the UAE’s thriving sex trafficking industry,”. It tells the harrowing story of Christy Gold (real name: Christiana Jacob Uadiale). She is accused in Nigeria of her involvement in human trafficking and the coercion of women into prostitution in Dubai.

The accounts of approximately 25 women who were trafficked by Gold and now find themselves in a foreign land, give voice to the unimaginable horrors they endured at the hands of this trafficker and her brother. Their testimonies unveil a grim reality marked by starvation, flogging, and unspeakable physical and sexual abuse.

It is crucial that we recognize the immense pain and trauma suffered by these victims. Their narratives serve as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for justice, protection, and support for those who have fallen victim to such crimes. William Wilberforce said, “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

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