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Victim trapped in Dubai cries out for help

Victim trapped in Dubai cries out for help. Betty (pseudonym), a 27-year-old victim of human trafficking from Edo State, has found herself trapped in Dubai, where she was seeking assistance due to ongoing threats from her trafficker (whose identity is withheld for safety concerns). Allegedly, her trafficker orchestrated her journey to Dubai intending to subject her to sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

Betty, who was in hiding to escape her trafficker, shared her distressing experience in an exclusive interview. She expressed her determination to no longer endure the sexual harassment and exploitation inflicted upon her by the same individual. She revealed that she had already paid 10,000 dirhams out of the agreed-upon 20,000 dirham, as part of her ordeal.

Victim trapped in Dubai cries out for help

“Since I came to Dubai, he has been threatening and disturbing me. My womb can’t withstand the daily sex; the work has affected my womb am tired and need protection.

“Out of the 20, 000 dirham, I have paid him 10, 000, which is equivalent to N2 million. As I speak, I am pregnant due to bursting condoms.

“Part of our agreement was for him to renew my international passport, which has since expired, but he also refused to do that. So, I am calling for help and protection,” the 27-year-old said.

Read the original story here.

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