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Netflix Documentary Exposes Zona Divas Sex Trafficking Scandal

Netflix Documentary Exposes Zona Divas Sex Trafficking Scandal. A new Netflix documentary, *Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas, shines a spotlight on the tragic stories of hundreds of women lured to Mexico under the guise of job offers, only to be forced into sex trafficking. The four-episode series, set to premiere globally on the 6th of September, details how victims—primarily Venezuelan and Argentine women—were promised modeling work but were enslaved by a gang in Mexico City that confiscated their passports and advertised their services as sex workers through a site called Zona Divas.

Netflix Documentary Exposes Zona Divas Sex Trafficking Scandal

The case gained international attention after the murders of five victims in 2017 and 2018. Their stories, alongside interviews with survivors and relatives of the deceased, are central to the series. Executive producer Laura Woldenberg said the documentary aims to raise awareness of the exploitation, emphasizing that many victims came from dire circumstances, particularly in Venezuela, where food and medicine shortages pushed them to seek better lives in Mexico.

Directors Astrid Rondero and Fernanda Valadez interviewed survivors who escaped the ring, underscoring the vulnerability of migrants. “What made them doubly vulnerable…was the distrust of the Mexican authorities,” Rondero explained.

The documentary also highlights the ongoing battle against trafficking, with an estimated 20 people arrested in connection to Zona Divas and its links to organized crime.

Watch the documentary here.

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