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Police Investigate UAE Trafficking Ring After Thai Woman’s Rescue

Police Investigate UAE Trafficking Ring After Thai Woman’s Rescue. Authorities have launched an investigation into a human trafficking ring after rescuing a 21-year-old Thai woman forced into the sex trade in Dubai. The woman, from Lampang, returned to Thailand on Saturday, arriving at U-tapao Airport in Rayong, according to Kosolwat Inthuchanyong, director-general of the Office of Rights Protection, Legal Aid, and Enforcement.

Police Investigate UAE Trafficking Ring After Thai Woman’s Rescue

The woman had responded to a social media job advertisement for a traditional massage position overseas. Attracted by the promise of high wages in the UAE, she accepted the offer but made it clear she would not engage in sex work. Upon arrival, however, her passport was confiscated by the massage shop owner, who coerced her into sex work. She refused and managed to seek help, ultimately bringing media attention to her situation.

Kosolwat stated that officials from the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security will interview the woman to confirm her status as a trafficking victim. If validated, police will pursue those behind the trafficking network. The woman’s case came to light when her grandmother publicly appealed for assistance, prompting swift action from Thai authorities in coordination with the Department of Consular Affairs.

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